Friday, November 16, 2012

              Received a Jury Award for my Painting on Child Labour at SAK a couple of weeks ago.

                          Barren lives of children under the shadows of poverty.(Oil on Canvas).
 This is a Surrealistic paintings on Child Labour. Innocent days of Childhood are ruined under the shadows of poverty. Their time to get Education,Love and Care is being ruined and in return the earnings they receive is very meager.I tried to portray the tragic lives of the children who work for their living.

I took a sketch of this painting longtime ago where i saw children working in a foundry. Later I captured that on my Canvas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Janaki, this is actually a pretty accurate description of the scenario on the conditions of child labor in india.
Simply profound.

Best Wishes

Dhruv Goyal
Business Development Executive (

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